Are You Prepared?

The Company

Disaster & Immediate Evacuation is a disaster preparedeness business. We specialize in preparing and educating the public in ready preparedness. We want to provide the public with the prpoer tutelage which will enhance their knowledge and understanding as it relates to disasters. Through our many wonderful products and services, we will educate, prepare, and enlighten the public in strengthening their chances of survival.

Our Mission- is to get citizens prepared for the next impending disaster. In today's times, we cannot afford to be caught totally off guard. We can never know when or how much damage is going to take place before and during a disaster, but we sure can take all the necessary precautions that are available to us. Safety and security should be on everybody's mind whether you are going on a date, taking a drive up the coast, or going on vacation, or sitying at home, there should be some kind of E.A.P.(emergency action plan) in place to assist you in the worst case scenario. Through our workshops, trainings, and presentations we will help you "get prepared".

About The Owner- Barrington Barry Polite is the founder and CEO of Disaster & Immediate Evacuation which was birthed out of the N.Y.C. power outage (Blackout) of summer 2003. Barrington has always been a gadget type person and he has always fantasized about being in a situation that entailed increasing his chances of survival. Being certified in first-aid, CPR, knowing first responder tactics, a certified member of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), a crowd control specialist and a Federal Government Contractor. He is ready, willing, and able to help people meet their needs in the business of ready preparedness. Barrington feels strongly that this is a service that is seriously needed no matter how many different disaster businesses are out there. He feels that you can never be too prepared. 

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