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Plan Action Committees

Disaster & Immediate Evacuation has developed a series of cognitive steps that individuals, whether they be in schools, businesses, or families, can take when dealing with disaster planning. This is known as P.A.C.s... Plan Action Committee's. The Department of Education, should be partnering up with communities across the United States, so as to ensure that the proper steps are being implemented before the next impending disaster. Parents, teachers, parent coordinator's, principal's, community leaders, public safety personell, local politicians, and the business community are all an intregal part of the whole Plan Action Committee planning process. Through this collaboration, these folks can access all their resource's that are available to them which will result in an effective E.A.P. (Emergency Action Plan). Businesses should also take full advantage of the Plan Action Committee process so that business owners and employee's are informed and prepared. This can be done by the continuing efforts of the Disaster & Immediate Evacuation company and its products and services namely our training programs and workshops. We at D.I.E., will educate businesses in continuity planning,emergency planning, and communication planning. Businesses should protect their investment's which is, human capital.      

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